По вашему запросу найдено 2 вакансии
07 Ноября
Компания "LARSEN AND TOUBRO CIS" DUTIES: accurately translating technical documents, manuals, and technical docs (English, Russian and Uzbek) deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as technical knowledge in the relevant field; deep understanding of technical terminology and the ability to convey complex information clearly and concisely; close...
07 Ноября
Call center operatori (faqat qizlar uchun)
Компания "НОУ SAMARQAND TILLAR MAKTABI" Talablar: Ravon nutq; Muloyim, yumshoq va chiroyli ohang, intonatsiya; Gapga notiqlik; Kirishimlilik; Bosiqlik, stressga chidamlilik; Moslashuvchanlik; Chaqqon va samarali harakatchanlik; Kamida 1 yil faoliyat yuritish. Ish vaqti 2 xil: a) 09.00 dan 18.00 gacha; b) 13.00 dan 19.00 gacha. Shartlar: Quyidagi asosiy...